Guy Houben, a freelance photographer hailing from Maastricht in the Netherlands, embarked on his captivating journey into the world of photography back in 2014. His foray commenced during his studies as he pursued a minor photography during his Communication & Multimedia Design study at Zuyd University of Applied Sciences. Initially drawn to capturing the vibrant scene of illegal raves, club events, and festivals, Guy's artistic pursuits have dynamically evolved, leading him to explore diverse photography genres while travelling for his work.

Presently, his attention is dedicated to documenting culinary narratives for various restaurants and hotels, capturing individuals through portraits, lifestyle shots, and love stories, while also innovating and executing creative concepts for diverse brands.

2023 - Solo exhibition ”Selected Works” at Fotomuseum aan het Vrijthof
2022 - Group exhibition “Fotogallery Maastricht” at Bijenkorf Maastricht

Print - Book “Brut, dat ben je zelf” Story and recipe book for 2 Michelin star Hans van Wolde
Print - Chapeau Magazines n.150 - 160 and counting
Online - C-Heads magazine exclusive “Nature’s Quiet Charms”
Online - Interview Alreadyfriday
Online - Interview Chapeau Magazine

Selected clients

Chapeau Magazine - Reiters Wings - Perla koffie - strivectin - LBG Hotels - Beaumont - HOTEL KINT - AMA Architecten - Oostwegel Collection - Provincie Limburg - Kenko - Sketch - NN07 - Conservatorium Maastricht -

Chapeau Magazine - Reiters Wings - Perla koffie - strivectin - LBG Hotels - Beaumont - HOTEL KINT - AMA Architecten - Oostwegel Collection - Provincie Limburg - Kenko - Sketch - NN07 - Conservatorium Maastricht -

Brut172 - De Leuf - Atelier - Studio - Chateau Neercanne - Les Salons - Tribeca - Demain - Cinq - Prix de rome - Le fernand - Holsterhof - Heerdeberg - Noon - Safar - Harry's - Onglet - Founders Bar -

Brut172 - De Leuf - Atelier - Studio - Chateau Neercanne - Les Salons - Tribeca - Demain - Cinq - Prix de rome - Le fernand - Holsterhof - Heerdeberg - Noon - Safar - Harry's - Onglet - Founders Bar -